
The undergraduate degree programs offered through the 跨学科研究学院 are for students who are interested in creating an individualized academic program with a strong 教育 foundation, 加上应用, experiential training that integrates valued workplace standards, 经验, 以及过去的学术工作. They are designed for students whose academic interests are broad and transdisciplinary and whose career interests require diverse and transdisciplinary exposure.

The degree programs in the 跨学科研究学院 are non-traditional, giving students and their academic advisors the opportunity to create their own paths. 根据学生获得的本科学分计算, 工作经验, 以及当前的兴趣, students work with an academic advisor to develop a degree plan that fits their career goals.


B.S. 跨学科商业和企业服务

  • BS 跨学科商业和企业服务 appeals to potential students in business in business, 金融, 人力资源, 管理, 创业, 和市场营销. 这个项目将教授学生金融理论, 市场营销, and 管理 and administration – and how to apply these theories to real-world problems—also preparing the students for the fast-paced, 快速变化的商业世界. The potential graduate of this program will have growth opportunities in their careers in business and technology.
    • 课程工作通过以下学院完成:JHJ
 B.A. 在跨学科的创意艺术和传播
  • BA 在跨学科的创意艺术和传播 appeals to potential students the opportunity to explore 课程在不同的领域工作,比如艺术, 通信, 电影, 艺术历史, 心理学, 和社会学. In a focused creative environment with instruction of the highest quality, Visual and Performing Arts students will be trained to become practicing arts professionals and educators. 随着视觉和表演艺术专业的学生入学, 创造力和求知欲将会成熟. 学生 develop the skill sets needed to be active local and global citizens in a rapidly changing world. The potential graduates of this program will have growth opportunities in their careers in writing and publishing, 设计, 生产, 甚至是表演.
    • 课程通过以下学院完成的工作:COLABS, SOC
B.S. 在跨学科教育研究
  • BS in Transdisciplinary Studies in Educational Studies appeals to potential students working in childcare, 教育行政, 库, 或者作为助教. This program prepares you to lead learning 经验s in various environments outside the classroom. 你将批判性地检查和分析教学理论, 教学实践, 教育法律, 学习环境. 虽然这个项目不会导致教师执照, it provides an invaluable foundation of knowledge surrounding the 教育 profession. The potential graduates of this program will have growth opportunities in their careers in 教育, 咨询, 教育行政, 非母语英语课程, 早期儿童保育, 或者特殊教育.
    • 课程通过以下学院完成的工作:COE
B.S. 在跨学科工程和技术服务
  • B.S. 在跨学科工程和技术服务 appeals to potential students who are working in Information 技术 (IT), 建设, 或现场技术员工作. The potential graduates of this program will have growth opportunities in their careers in the fields of data science, 软件开发, web开发, 网络体系结构, 以及土木等各种工程专业, 机械, 和电气. 这个项目培养能够识别, 制定, and solve technical problems in the engineering technology field. 它使学生了解新的发展, 适应变化, 拥抱专业发展机会, 并在各自的领域中担任专业角色.
    • 课程工作通过以下学院完成:COSET
B.S. 跨学科人类与健康科学
  • B.S. in Transdisciplinary 健康 and Human Sciences appeals to potential students in the 医疗保健 industry, 体育运动, 社区服务, 教育, 和业务. 这个项目将吸引学过数学的学生, 社会科学, 营养与健康科学, 还有社会工作 课程. The potential graduates of this program will have growth opportunities in their careers in 教育, 社区及社会服务, 非营利组织, 医疗保健, 治疗, 心理健康, 或者儿童发展.
    • 课程work completed through the following college: COPHS, COLABS, COSET
B.S. 跨学科信息技术系统 & 服务
  • BS 跨学科信息技术系统 and 服务 appeals to potential students working as technicians in web开发, 资讯科技及电脑支援, 或销售. The program provides a foundation in business and information technology. It provides students with an understanding of the applications of theories and concepts by involving the students in research and ideas by involving the students in research and applications development projects. It will prepare potential graduates of this program to have growth opportunities in their careers such as systems administration, 网络管理, 计算机专家, 数据库管理, 数据库管理, 电脑技术人员, 计算机安全管理, 或者网页设计和开发.
    • 课程work will be completed through the following colleges: COSET, JHJ
B.S. in Transdisciplinary Studies of Energy and Environmental Systems and 服务
  • BS in Transdisciplinary Studies of Energy and Environmental Systems and 服务 appeals to potential students working in the energy resource field. The program will go over the study methods that improve the effects of adverse effects such as pollution. 这个项目将吸引那些已经参加过 课程在能源、科学、工程、数学和地质学方面获得学士学位. The potential graduates of this program will have growth opportunities in their careers, 比如能源资源的管理和开发.
    • 课程work completed through the following colleges: JHJ, COSET, SOPA, COPHS
B.A. in Transdisciplinary Studies of Societal Inclusion and Urbanism
  • BS in Transdisciplinary Studies of Societal Inclusion and Urbanism appeals to the potential student working in local government, 刑事司法, 建设, 体系结构, 或者城市设计. This program will also appeal to students who have taken 体系结构, 数学, 计算机科学, 城市研究, 或者社会工作 课程 The potential graduates of this program will have growth opportunities in their careers, 比如建筑, 城市规划, 公共管理, 法律, 或业务.
    • 课程work completed through the following colleges: SOPA, JHJ, COSET


  • 学生必须有 至少60个可转换学分 完成的课程
  • 学生必须有 最低GPA总分为2分.0 的课程


  • 学生必须完成核心要求.
  • 学生 must complete 25% of credits toward graduation at 德克萨斯南方大学.
  • 学生必须完成120个学分.